YULA Pop-Up Shop where people can grab a free sample of the drink and magazine

The YULA Magazine is a quarterly released magazine that customers can subscribe to. As a brand YULA focuses on being sustainable, whilst also getting their target audience to thrive and maximise their lifestyle. The magazine features an article on reforestation, children and communal gardening, a feature interview with a social media influencer, tips on living more sustainably, etc. Buyers have the choice of opting for a paper print magazine or a digital subscription using the YULA app.

When the YULA customers sign up for the magazine subscription they have the option of choosing the digital magazine which can be accessed on the YULA app. The magazine isn’t the only thing viewers can see. They can see live updates of the reforestation project as well as community events, environmental news and updates on other projects. Users can also have chat, comment and discuss about things related to sustainable & environmental living.